It doesn’t take much to figure out I relish working in low light. A flick through the blog posts and portfolio reveals the majority of content in shadows or lamp-lit rooms - the intention to emphasise atmosphere and feeling - key elements of any wedding day. A set which sums-up this overall mindset always gives me joy to review… and look, not a mask or Covid suggestion in sight!
It helps, of course, that the modern breed of professional DSLR cameras adore bad light, allowing a photographer to keep in recording moments which, in the days of film, we could never dream of obtaining. This fact that hits me when I look back over this lovely December wedding at the wonderfully lit, and now award winning, Fetcham Park.
Pretty laid-back by nature, Preme and Phil just let me get on and shoot what I saw. Their plan was to have no set-up shots or family groups, the idea was a party with a ceremony in the middle. Route one - just enjoy it.

(click to read the recent feature on Love My Dress...)
One of the many wonderful things about Fetcham is that when inside soft lighting is everywhere, allowing thoughtful portraits of moments and conversation. The Great Hall is awash with a warm glow which illuminates faces just enough to display expression. The tactic is to look, wait and shoot - nailing the moment the face is lit during conversation. You’re playing a time-sensitive game of cat and mouse with the shadows, but it’s well worth the effort.
I photographed the launch of this great place around 3 years ago and it’s very impressive to note just how swiftly Laura Caudery and her team have established the venue as a major player outside central London. With more commissions already in place at Fetcham for 2015, I’m looking forward to seeking out more atmosphere and feeling in this most romantic of locations.
As usual, below are a just a few key moments from their wider selection...